System Logik provides two type of services : SHARED KONTROL® and HERITAGE®.
Service process
Both services require, for their supply, of 3 moments:
- the analysis (organizzational for SHARED KONTROL® and accouting for HERITAGE®)
- the training (of the users on the working methodology of SHARED KONTROL® and HERITAGE®)
- the tecnology configuration (based on the SHARED KONTROL® platform to reflect the organisational and accouting analyses)
The supply mode (the technology)
System Logik has privileged the supply of the services via the Software as a Service (SaaS) mode as it presents for the customer the maxium economical convenience thanks to following advantages:
- No license costs (neither for the activation nor for the maintenance);
- No hardware costs (for dedicated hardware such as server, network apparatus…);
- No backup and recovery costs (for backup systems, disaster recovery systems…);
- No security costs (firewall, intrusion detection, patching…);
- No additional IT personnel costs (for the support and the maintenanceof the ICT infrastructure);
- Extremely low risks and service interruption: SHARED KONTROL®, thanks to the partneship with ARUBA® (a European leader), garantees an uptime of 99,95%.
In using the service the customer has access to a dedicated control pannel of the dedicated server where it is possible to modify the hardware resources even only temporarily (CPU, RAM) in relation to the (temporary) needs, thus paying only for the extra use.
The choice of the technology resource to supply the service
For the supply of the services System Logik has chosen the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Cloud infrastructure and not the Platform as a Service (PaaS) to offer to the customer a more customised (controlled) and efficient service.
The choice of an Iaas infrastructure and not a Platform as a Service (PaaS) one, ensures a higher control to the access to virtual servers and on the modes of data protection.
Despite the PaaS infrastructure garantees high level of technological security, does not allow to have visbility on: the technologies used to protect the data; the access to the server from the personnell of the service provider. These two limits make the PaaS infrastructure less adequate to satisfy the need of the customers.
The use of a PaaS infrastructure imposes a further, strong technological constraint (lock-in): the difficulty to transfer the service from one service provider to another service provider.
The customer can require the use of a trusted Cloud provider for the supply of the SHARED KONTROL® and HERITAGE® services.
The security of the data
The security of the data for the supply of the service is achieved by levaraging on two elements: the technology and the organisationn.
The Technology: the access and the trasfer of data by SHARED KONTROL® is made through the cripted SSL protocol at 256bit (the same technology used for the systems in the internet banking), coherently with the most advanced standards for data protection and trasnfer.
The organisation: System Logik appleas to partners with specific security competencies for Cloud Computing systems. The access key to the servers is nominal (i.e., given just to nominated persons) and tracked trough the management of both the access keys to the virtual servers and the personnel that access it.
The access to SHARED KONTROL® can be personalised and made possible through the addition of further security layers (such as the One-Time-Password method).
The management of the secuirty it is entirely controlled and tracked, both in terms of technological choices and the management of accesses (persons allowed to access).
The customer autonomous and not prisoner in the use of the service
The supply of the service is conceived to put the customer in the condition of maximum autonomy with respect to System Logik.
System Logik provides the training of the “leading group” inside the company included in the activation costs of the service. The customer, once learnt the method of work of SHARED KONTROL® and the configuration of the platform, will be able to train autonomously its own personnel.
This way, the client has the full control of:
- the times and costs of application of SHARED KONTROL®;
- the modes and times of supply of the training.
The service is supplied on an annual basis and does not imply a pluriannual contract. The customer renew the service with System Logik only because satisfied, and not because contractually tied up.
The personalisation of the SHARED KONTROL® and HERITAGE® services
System Logik recongnises the importance of the uniqueness that caracterises each company and each unit of the organisational structure in which is articulated.
System Logik:
- provides the full customisation of the services both on the contents (the method) and on the functionaities of the enabling platform (the technology);
- satisfies the specific needs of the responsible of the organisational units in relation to the nature of the activities managed, be them of rigid and prescriptive control (for activities that are highly programmable and with a low number of exceptions) or flexible and dynamic control (for activities that are hardly programmable and with a high number of exceptions).