Investigate is the moment of investigation of improvement areas. For the manager and the responsabile of the organisational unit, the investigation is preliminar and fundamental to better valorise the resources managed and the work of the staff.
The problem: identification of the areas of improvement
In order to identify the areas of improvement, the responsible of the organisational unit uses the traditional communication tools available, which are expensive (the meeting) and inefficient (the e-mail and the phone) due to the growing complexity of the business management:
- the definition of appropriate contents to identifying the critical areas (meeting);
- the involvement of the staff (email, phone or meeting);
- the elaboration of survey results (speadsheets);
- the notification of results achieved (email, phone or personal meetings);
- the assignement of corrective activities (email, phone or personal meetings);
- the tracking over time of the assigned activities (email and/or phone).
The INVESTIGATE functionality of SHARED KONTROL® allow the responsible of organisational unit to perform investigations rapidly and efficiently, enabling one to concentrate on the results achieved and on the activities necessary to improve the status quo as SHARED KONTROL® performs all other activities of the process that involve the staff, namely:
- the notification of partecipation (to the investigation/survey);
- the tracking of partecipation of people;
- the elaboration of results (in real time);
- the notification to participants (in real time);
- the assignement of activities on the basis of the critical areas identified (in real time and in a shared way);
- the tracking of the state of completion of the activities assigned (in real time and in a shared way).