Decide in a coherent, adaptive way and on the basis of risks allow the responsible of the organisational unit to: accomplish to the duty with the maximum efficiency; develop the own decision making competencies, and those of the staff (at any level in the organisation) to reduce the vulnerability of the managed unit per ridurre la vulnerabilità and, in turn, contribute to reduce that of the entire company, as well as reducing the costs stemming from inefficient performances.
The problems: the decision making coherence and the dynamic adaptation of priorities on the basis of the company’s risk level
Companies translate the strategic decisions into operational decisions through the formalisation of plans, of the objectives and the control modes. In traditional plans the trategic and operational decisions do not include the associated risks: the priority of activities to perform is defined by the amount of resources devoted to them, by the deadlines and by the discretion of whom performs the activity.
The responsible of the organisational unit, once decided to assign the activities with the associated priorities to each staff member, has to face three order of problems (not always efficiently solved), namely:
- verify ex ante that the risk criteria be adopted coherently in the action plan for all member of the staff. In traditional plans the decision making coherence is pursued ex post through the Key Performance Indicators;
- dynamically modify (in real time) the priority of the activities according to evolution of market risks (today possible only thorugh traditional tools like email, phone, spreadsheets, and meetings);
- include the risks of the managed organisational unit (of any kind: commercial, reputational, environmental, safety, security…), that every activity brings about, in the process of prioritarization of activities (typically not performed).
SHARED KONTROL®: the functionality “DECIDE”
The functionality DECIDE mantains the decision making process efficient, including (methodologically) all decision makers (the responsible of the organisational unit and his/her staff) to separate the moment of decision from that of execution and of the control.
SHARED KONTROL® increases the quality and the reliability of decisions of the responsabile of the organisational unit as:
- guarantees the decision making coherence within the single organisational unit (and consequently in the entire company) through the same algorithm (incorporated within SHARED KONTROL® and result of the research activity);
- enables the manager and the responsible of organisational unit to directly and dinamically influence (in real time) on the priority of the activities assigned to the staff members;
- induces the responsible of the organisational unit, in the process of modification of priorities, to confront with all activities of which is responsible, fostering the systemic razionality (for the managed organisational unit);
- persuades the responsable of the organisational unit, to decide on the basis of company’s risks (market, reputational, environmental, commercial, financial…) and then to weigh even the consequences every activity brongs about (and not just the opportunity).