Be able to preserve the organisational memory of what happened and show registered and objective evidences with the ultimate goal of bulding the necessary trust between controller and controlled (supervisor and staff members, client and provider) and to eliminate or alleviate the adminstrative resposibility.
CONTACT® is the functionality that enables the traceability of the application of SHARED KONTROL® and HERITAGE® to the customer.
The economic and organisational traceability assumes the undisputed value of objective reference, not questionable thanks to CONTACT® because managed in Cloud computing.
CONTACT® makes it possible to System Logik to assume the role of third party warranter of the integrity of the data towards the customer that, in turn, can produce a structured document on what went on (automatically generated in real time by SHARED KONTROL®), to show to the Authority, for the elimination or the alleviation of the adminsitrative responsibility, or to offer to the customers and providers in case of disputes.
CONTACT® is the acronym of Complete Organizational and EcoNomical Traceability for Activity ConTrol.
The advantages of CONTACT® for the company
The advantages of CONTACT® for the Employer are as follows:
- prevent possible perceptive distorsions between the controller and the controlled in case of internal and external audit;
- manage rapidly possible disputes in the relationship with the customers and the suppliers, regarding the plans of purchase, of selling, and logistics;
- show the safety (and emergency) plan as proof in case of elimination or alleviation of the administrative responsibility.