Become the first European company providing highly innovative and knowledge intensive services, capable to transformeven the most complex companies in highly reliable organisations, and be recognised for the eccellence of its services in terms of quality, service standards and, most of all, customer satisfaction.
System Logik design and creates innovative services in tight cooperation with its customers with the utlimate goal of guaranteeing a high customisation and contributing to the significant reduction of “hidden” coordination costs.
System Logik combines managerial and engineering competences to conveice new working methods qualified by innovative Information & Communication Technoloiges and work organisation.
System Logik operates respecting 5 driving values and requiring compliance by those working in and for the company, namely:
- trasparency;
- trust;
- reliability;
- quality;
- efficiency.
System Logik offers services sustained by the reputation aquired with its clients.
System Logik® has been founded in 2012 in Milan, where it is still located.
The company born as innovative start-up to capitalise the twenty years experience of its Fouding Partners.
System Logik stem from the idea of combining managerial and engineering competences to design innovative and original working models and methods that enable companies of large, mediaum, small and micro size to become highly reliable organisations, i.e., capable to anticipate company’s risk (of any kind) and to mantain a high efficiecy.
System Logik makes it applicable the designed innovative concepts through the most innovative ICT solutions available.